"May my nose be my guide."
American Foxhounds are high-energy hunting dogs that also make excellent companions. They love their families and always want to be by your side—unless they’re busy following their nose to a new and interesting scent. They love hunting but really enjoy just about anything they can do with you and be active.
American Foxhounds are very affectionate toward their owners and their children. Strangers, however, are a different matter. American Foxhounds will usually be wary of strangers and can sometimes even be aggressive, as they are highly protective of the things they love. If left alone and without attention, American Foxhounds will use their loud voices to let everyone know they are unhappy and looking for their favorite human. They can also be destructive if left alone for too long or don’t get their exercise, so be sure to show them the love and attention they crave and deserve.
When it comes to grooming, the short coat of the American Foxhound is easy to maintain. You’ll want to brush their coat about once a week to remove dead hair and help spread their skin oils around their body.
American Foxhounds should live in a more rural setting where their loud voices will not upset your neighbors. They’ll be happy to play outside on their own in a safe area, but should always be allowed to live inside with people. American Foxhounds are pack dogs, so they’re usually delighted when surrounded by other dogs. They’re also patient, loving companions of children, but cats and other pets can be a different matter. If they are raised together, they can learn to live with another, but it’s hard for these hunting dogs to see smaller, furry animals as anything other than something fun to chase.
American Foxhounds are true athletes. If given the opportunity they will run for miles and miles. This means that any time you let them off-leash, you should make sure they’re in a safe, partitioned area without cars or other dangers. American Foxhounds also enjoy long hikes, jogs, or even running alongside your bike. They need plenty of daily exercise, so plan to take them out as often as possible to keep them happy and well-behaved.