Border Collie

Breed Group: Herding

"Work Hard; Play Hard!"

Breed Profile

Border Collies are one of the smartest and most focused breeds around. These sweet dogs are happiest when they have an activity to do or job to work on, whether it’s playing fetch, digging a hole, or keeping an eye on you.


Intelligent, determined, and brave, the Border Collie likes to work hard and play even harder. They love having a job to do, but after work is through, their favorite activity is snuggling with the family. Border Collies bond quickly with their owners and are known to be ultra energetic, loving, and likable.


Border Collies have thick, shiny undercoats and colorful outer coats that come in several colors, including solid, bicolor, tricolor, merle (lighter coat with speckled patches), or sable (light undercoat with black-tipped hairs). These dogs are average shedders that don’t need much grooming. Brush them once or twice a week to keep their coats clean, and only bathe them when needed.


The Border Collie gets along well with other pets and children, but it may try to dominate dogs of the same sex. They should be socialized as puppies with small, non-canine pets so they can overcome their natural prey instincts. Border Collies have high energy and may snap (especially at a young age), so it’s smart to watch them around babies and toddlers. They’re adaptable to just about any living setting, so as long as they get enough exercise and attention, they will be happy spending time indoors, outdoors, in warm climates, or cooler places.


Border Collies need high-energy owners to satisfy their appetite for exercise and activity. If they get bored or restless, they’re known to act out. The best way to keep Border Collies active is to give them work to do, whether it’s an exercise like running or a game like Frisbee.

Border Collie Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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