
Breed Group: Working

"I’m big, brawny, and ready to battle!"

Breed Profile

Nothing is small about Bullmastiffs. Along with their immense size and dominant personalities, they have big hearts and are loyal protectors. They make great guard dogs, but their stubbornness can cause challenges with training and obedience. Show them who’s boss, and they’ll stay by your side through thick and thin.


The Bullmastiff is a smart, obedient, and loyal dog. They build strong bonds with their families and will protect them against any perceived threats, making them great guard dogs. When they go into defense mode, they’re more likely to bowl over a stranger than attack. Bullmastiffs are often stubborn, which sometimes makes them resistant to obedience training. However, when they learn who’s boss, they’re good at following commands.


Bullmastiffs have short coats that are red, light tan (“fawn”), or reddish-brown (“brindle”) with distinctive dark areas on the muzzle, ears, and eyes. Some dogs also have white fur on their chest. This breed doesn’t shed a lot, so their grooming needs are minimal. They should be brushed once in a while with a rubber brush and bathed only when necessary to get rid of dead hair and dirt.


Bullmastiffs can be somewhat dominant toward other dogs in their breed, especially if both Bullmastiffs are male. However, they are good around kids and can get along with pets if they’re socialized at a young age. They wouldn’t do harm intentionally, but because of their size, it’s wise to keep an eye on them around young children and animals. Bullmastiffs don’t do well in the heat or when they’re apart from their families, so it’s better to keep them in a cool indoor setting with a soft bed nearby.


Although Bullmastiffs are big, they don’t require as much exercise as other large working breeds. A moderate amount of exercise, like a long walk or run, should do the trick to keep them fit and happy. Bullmastiffs walk well on a leash, but their size can make them hard to manage. Consistent training can help with their obedience. They may be stubborn, but show them you’re in control and be consistent with your training to improve their behavior.

Bullmastiff Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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