Clumber Spaniel

Breed Group: Sporting

"I drool because I care!"

Breed Profile

Clumber Spaniels like to get out for long walks and hikes, but they aren’t as rambunctious as many other Spaniels. They are friendly and affectionate, however they can be a bit messy; they have a tendency to drool and their coat sheds. These sometimes mischievous dogs are a challenge, but they will reward you with lots of joy and wet kisses.


Clumber Spaniels are dogs who know what they want and will do whatever it takes to get it. You’ll want to start training them from an early age so your Clumber Spaniel doesn’t become your boss. They have a pleasant personality and if raised with children and other animals, are generally fine around them. Clumber Spaniels can be a bit wild as puppies, and some of them never lose their puppy spirit, which contributes to their reputation for being a bit mischievous. They will eat anything and everything, so it’s important to watch what you leave sitting around.


Clumber Spaniels have a feathered coat that needs to be brushed or combed about 2-3 times a week to get rid of dead hair and straighten out any tangles. Brushing their hair will also help combat the amount of fur you’ll find around your house due to shedding. You may want to give your Clumber Spaniel a bath once a month or so if you want them to keep looking and smelling their best.


Clumber Spaniels will do best in a situation where they get a medium to high amount of exercise and can spend most of their time with their owners so they don’t get into too much trouble while left alone.


Clumber Spaniels love exploring. They’ll hike with you for hours, which they much prefer to jogging. They may need a little push to exercise, but they enjoy it once they get going, plus it’s good for their health and spirit.


Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability

Sorry, no Clumber Spaniel puppies are available at this time.