English Mastiff

Breed Group: Working

"I’m a dignified gentleman whose heart is even bigger than my body!"

Breed Profile

Mastiffs are far from the imposing beasts they may appear to be. This breed is the heaviest dog around, but judging by their personalities, most of that weight lies in their hearts. Mastiffs are kind, gentle souls who protect if needed but would choose a hug over hostility any day.


The Mastiff is confident, dignified, and caring. Mastiffs rarely bark, but they aren’t fond of strangers and will defend their territory and family when needed. These qualities, combined with their size, make them excellent guard dogs. They can occasionally be stubborn, but most of the time, you’ll find them to be loving, gentle giants. This breed also tends to be heavy droolers, so if you’re inviting one into your home, make sure you've got some towels handy.


Mastiffs have a short-haired, fawn (light-yellow brown) coat that ranges in color from silver to apricot to dark brindle. These dogs are recognizable by their black mask, ears, and nose. Because their hair is so short, the Mastiff’s coat needs little attention; brushing them with a rubber brush once in a while should do the trick. As with many large dogs, you may notice pressure marks on their coat from lying on hard surfaces, which can be avoided by providing them with a pillow or soft bed.


Mastiffs are good with children and get along well with other dogs and pets with socialization. Their good-natured temperament lends well to families with children, and they often put up with playing, pranks, and hijinks without batting an eye. Mastiffs are ill-suited for hot weather and prefer life indoors where they can relax on a soft pillow or cold tile. Because of their size, Mastiffs aren’t practical for apartments and will be more comfortable in homes with a yard.


In spite of their imposing size, the adult Mastiff doesn’t need a ton of exercise. These dogs enjoy walks around the block, a light job, or playtime in a large, fenced-in yard. Mastiff puppies shouldn’t be overly exercised because they need all of their energy to grow strong bones and put on weight. Regardless of age, don’t exercise your Mastiff in the heat, and keep an eye out for exhaustion or overheating.

English Mastiff Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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