Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla

Breed Group: Sporting

"Ready... Set... Throw!"

Breed Profile

Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas were bred to stay warm during harsh hunting conditions and have been around since the 1930s. They make great hunting companions, and because they have such endurance in the field, they require daily aerobic exercise. These affectionate dogs also love being with their families and will happily cuddle with you on the couch. Once they run out of steam, that is.


Exercise is the key to happy Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas. Without it, they can become restless and sometimes a bit destructive. A sufficiently exercised Vizsla, though, is loyal, loving, gentle, and playful. An active kid and a Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla make a great match. They will race around together outside and tire each other out. On the other hand, these dogs can get excited and should be supervised around small children who can easily be knocked over. They enjoy making new dog friends and can do well around other animals, especially if they’ve been socialized at an early age.


Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas are unique dogs. Their body features a beautiful copper color everywhere – even on their noses. With their wiry beard and bushy brows, they are very expressive – and kind of goofy – dogs. Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas are also naturally very clean. They tend to give themselves a bath on a regular basis. The wirehaired breed does shed a bit. A good brushing once a week with a rubber grooming glove or slicker brush can help when these dogs shed their undercoat.


These peppy pooches love lots of space to race around. A country or rural setting fits the lifestyle of Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas best. Although they will plop next to your feet once sufficiently tired out, they are still not an ideal fit for urban living. Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas love being by their family’s side. And they love the company of children, especially active ones. However, these high-energy dogs may be a bit too rambunctious and wiggly to be around small ones who can be knocked over easily. If your family loves the great outdoors, a Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla will fit right in.


Want to see a Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla with a giant smile on their face? Throw anything for them to retrieve and repeat for a few hours. If you have a Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla, a plastic tennis ball flinger is a good investment. Not only does it give your arm a break, but it also allows you to throw the ball super-humanly far, which will tire these dogs out even faster. To keep Hungarian Wirehaired Vizslas content as can be, be sure to give them a few hours of daily aerobic exercise. Then, sit back and enjoy your coach potato for the rest of the day.

Hungarian Wirehaired Vizsla Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability