
Breed Group: Terrier

"I hang with the big boys!"

Breed Profile

Jagdterriers are small but mighty. Fearless hunters, they have no problem chasing after game that is triple their size. They have the exercise needs of a large dog and typically live outdoors full time. Jagdterriers love people, but are not overly affectionate pets.


Jagdterriers are everything a hunter would want in a dog: bravery, cunning, hardworking, tireless. As a pet, though, it can be tough to tire these dogs out in a simple game of fetch. Only bring a Jagdterrier home if you have the time needed to properly exercise them. Otherwise, you will have a very unhappy and destructive terrier on your hands. Jagdterriers are social dogs and are friendly toward most people. They aren’t lap dogs, though, and you won’t find them cuddling up to you. These athletic dogs are workers and bond closest with those whom they hunt or enjoy intense playtime with.


Jagdterriers can have two different coats: smooth or wire-haired. A weekly brushing keeps them looking their best. There’s no need to take these terriers to a professional groomer. They are pretty low maintenance dogs, and you'll know when it's time to give them a bath.


Jagdterriers fit best with an active, outdoorsy person. They are not ones to keep your feet warm as you read a book; that would make them restless. Adaptable and independent, Jagdterriers can even be full-time outdoor dogs, sleeping in a kennel at night. They need space and will make great use of a large backyard where they can zip around.


When you think you’ve finally tired these terriers out, consider taking them for a jog around the block for good measure. Jagdterriers need exercise. And lots of it. These lively dogs will happily run for hours. Hunting is probably the most enjoyable activity for them – where they can show off their smarts and athleticism. Retrieving a toy from a pool or lake is also a good time for these dogs. A few hours each day and you’ll be sure to have a smiley pooch!

Jagdterrier Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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