Japanese Chin

Breed Group: Toy

"Teach me a trick! Teach me a trick!"

Breed Profile

The Japanese Chin is also called the Chin or Japanese Spaniel. It is a little spaniel whose only bred purpose is to serve man as a companion. The Chin has a large, broad head, large wide-set eyes, and a short, broad muzzle.


The Japanese Chin is a charming, lively, and happy animal. They are intelligent and extremely devoted to their masters. While Japanese Chin pups can have a mind of their own and love being the center of attention, their mild mannerisms and sweetness make up for it by a mile. This breed is not a constant barker, and as long as you set rules and boundaries for your pup, you’ll both be on cloud nine.


Japanese Chins have long, flowing locks and a very soft wavy coat. Most often you’ll see Japanese Chins in black and white, red and white combinations are less common but very possible. Monthly baths are a good idea, and brushing at least a couple times a week will fend off tangles and knots.


This breed loves everyone that they're familiar with, but are known to be reserved around strangers and in unfamiliar situations, so be sure to socialize this dog well. If you do have small children, teach them to be nice and gentle with the dog. Japanese Chins are good with other dogs and pets and are well-suited for apartment life. Keep in mind, this breed is somewhat sensitive to temperature extremes, so keeping them as indoor pets is wise.


Japanese Chins do not require a great deal of exercise and fit well into both busy families and elderly couples lifestyles, however they do need to be taken on a daily walk. They will enjoy the opportunity to play in an open yard.

Japanese Chin Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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