Japanese Spitz

Breed Group: Sporting

"I bet I can make you smile!"

Breed Profile

Japanese Spitzes never seem to have a bad day. They are cheery, smiley companions who bring lots of laughs and love wherever they go. These small dogs will let you know when someone’s at your door but are never aggressive. As long as you’re with them, Japanese Spitzes are highly adaptable dogs who do well with most people, pets, and places!


It’s hard to find a more loving and affectionate dog than the Japanese Spitz! They will expect lots of attention and playtime in return, but who could turn down that sweet face? These spunky dogs don’t like to be alone and won’t want to be by themselves in the backyard for long periods of time. Excessive barking, escape attempts, and destructive behavior are all reactions of a lonesome Japanese Spitz. Barking is fun for these little dogs but can be tamed with training. They also use their loud voices to alert you of strangers. After some warming up, these dogs will be welcoming and friendly to new guests. Japanese Spitzes are very smart and pick up on body language, new tricks, and games quickly.


As the owner of one of these sweet dogs, you might consider buying all white furniture. Japanese Spitzes are soft, cuddly dogs known to shed. On the other hand, they are exceptionally clean and brushing every few days will reduce hair left behind on the couch. A metal comb can help pull out loose undercoat. Japanese Spitzes do not have a typical doggie odor, so it is only necessary to bathe them occasionally.


Japanese Spitzes are pretty easy going when it comes to where they live and whom they live with. They are friendly with most other dogs and pets, and these happy-go-lucky pups have the energy to keep up with lively kids and loving patience for little ones. Japanese Spitzes are great apartment dogs and don’t necessarily require a backyard, as long as they are getting daily walks. If they are let outside, be sure it is a secure space. Don’t underestimate how high these small dogs can leap!


Japanese Spitzes are lively dogs, but do not require a great deal of exercise to be happy. They do, however, love learning new tricks and games. They catch on easily and like to show off for some well-deserved attention. Japanese Spitzes will catch a ball or Frisbee in the air! They also enjoy performing agility challenges with their human partner.

Japanese Spitz Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability

Sorry, no Japanese Spitz puppies are available at this time.

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