
Breed Group: Working

"Think of me as your big, loving lion!"

Breed Profile

As a mix between a Saint Bernard, Newfoundland, and Pyrenean Mountain Dog, the Leonberger is a gentle giant with the heart and coat of a lion. Don’t let their size fool you; they’re just kind family dogs who love chasing, being active, and most of all, staying by your side.


The Leonberger is confident, steadfast, loyal, brave, and smart. They're also very agile, especially for a large breed. Leonbergers crave time with their owners, so prepare for them to be glued to your side. They also like to dig, and puppies can become destructive if they don’t get enough training early on. Luckily, these dogs are very patient, sensitive, and aim to please, so learning comes easily to them.


Leonbergers have soft or rough coats that are waterproof. Their fur is yellow, red, cream, or brown, all with a black mask. The Leonberger has a thick mane, which gives them their lion-like appearance. They’re heavy shedders and need to be brushed thoroughly a few times each week to keep their coats under control.


The Leonberger is known as a gentle giant. They have a friendly personality and love everyone, including children, strangers, dogs, and other pets. Watch young children around the these pups, though, because their size can be overwhelming for babies and toddlers. Leonbergers prefer to live in a home setting and cooler climate. They enjoy spending a lot of time outdoors, but they should sleep inside so they can be around people and avoid the elements.


Leonbergers are usually lazy indoors and come alive outdoors. They need plenty of exercise and love doing activities with their owners, whether it’s walking, hiking, or playing in the yard. Make sure to keep them leashed so they don’t go running after a stray cat or small animal. The Leonberger also enjoys sports like agility, wagon pulling, and rally games.

Leonberger Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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