Norwegian Elkhound

Breed Group: Hound

"It's tough being talented!"

Breed Profile

Norwegian Elkhounds are smart, affectionate dogs who love people. They are known for barking often, which is worse when they get lonely. Although they are slightly stubborn, these loving dogs can learn to do just about anything with the right training and the right motivation — food.


Norwegian Elkhounds are barkers, but their usefulness as watchdogs ends there, as they are usually friendly toward most people. A bored Norwegian Elkhound will bark all day long, so be sure to give them plenty of stimulation. They like to do things their own way but can often be convinced to listen by using food as motivation.


Norwegian Elkhounds have a double coat that is easy to groom and only needs weekly brushings. The catch? They shed a lot. During the spring and fall you will find hair everywhere, but you can reduce this by being diligent with brushing and warm baths.


Norwegian Elkhounds love people so much that they will bark themselves silly if they get too lonely. This means that they must be allowed to live in the house with their people to stay happy. They are high energy dogs who do best with a safe, fenced-in yard where there’s plenty of space to play in. Norwegian Elkhounds are usually good around children if they are raised with them, but older dogs who aren’t used to children will take some time to warm up to them. The same goes for cats, although they should never be allowed to play together outside.


Norwegian Elkhounds are active dogs who will need about an hour total of exercise every day. It’s best if you can split this active time up into two sessions so they don’t get bored. Norwegian Elkhounds enjoy a nice long walk or running alongside you as you go for a bike ride. They have also proven themselves to be amazing competitors in many doggie sports, like rally, flyball, obedience, and tracking. Some have even become therapy dogs or search and rescue dogs. They're very intelligent and can learn to do so many things; it’s just important that you channel their energy into something you enjoy doing together.

Norwegian Elkhound Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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