
Breed Group: Sporting

"I'm a bit of a bird brain!"

Breed Profile

Pointers were bred for hunting birds and would love nothing more than to sniff out some feathered game for you. However, they also make excellent family dogs who love their owners, even if they don’t always listen to everything you tell them to do.


A pointer will use their strong sense of smell to tell them where they should go. They love to sniff out birds and other small animals and have strong hunting instincts. Pointers are extremely loving and loyal to their families but can be more reserved around strangers. If someone they don’t know is approaching, you’ll know it from your pointer’s excited barking, which makes them excellent watchdogs.


A Pointer’s short, shiny coat is very easy to groom. They don’t shed much, and a weekly brushing is all they need to remove any dead hair... It doesn’t get much easier than that.


Pointers are intense sporting dogs who need lots of room to roam. They do best in a housing situation where they have plenty of room to play outside but can come back in at the end of the day to live with their people family. If you raise a Pointer with cats, they’ll probably get along well together, unless they go outside, where small furry or feathered animals are all fair game. Pointers are usually doggy social and tend to get along just fine with other canine companions. They are also loving protectors and companions of children, making them an excellent choice if you’re looking for an ever-watchful friend for your kids.


Pointers need an hour or two of exercise every day to stay happy. If you’re a hunter, take them to the field with you, and you’ll have a helpful best friend who will hunt with you for hours. If you’re not a hunter, you can take your pointer hiking or jogging, or get them involved in doggie sports where they can be top competitors.

Pointer Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability