
Breed Group: Herding

"I look out for my human flock!"

Breed Profile

The Sarplaninac is a hard-working who loves herding and acting as guard dog and will take great care of protecting their territory. They take their jobs seriously, and although they are calm and gentle with their families, don't expect a snuggler, since these dogs need their independence.


The Sarplaninac wasn't born to be a cuddly dog, but don't let that lead you think that they don't love their families. They just love them from afar, preferably while watching over the flock as well, ready to warn of any strangers nearby. They are highly devoted to their masters, but they do have a willful side, which must be kept in check. They are bred to work and require firm and consistent training in order to be successful and happy dogs. These dogs are not meant to be socialized, as they are more interested in the flocks they are protecting.


The Sarplaninac has a long, thick coat that is bushy in appearance. They come in colors of gray, white, black, or tan, and can be solid or blended. They require simple grooming and brushing regularly once a week.


Are you a sheep owner with a farm? If so, you will probably love having a Sarplaninac as an employee. These hard working dogs are bred for protection, and they are skilled at rounding up flocks, family members, and whoever belongs in their territory. These dogs are suspicious of everyone, though, so they won't take kindly to strangers. The Sar loves the outdoors, and prefers to make his bed out there as well.


The Sarplaninac leads a very active lifestyle and requires plenty of physical activity to drain their energy. Play or running free on a farm will take care of this need, but they still need to walk or jog occasionally. The Sar isn't meant for apartment life, especially considering their heavy, weather-proof coats. They prefer to live and sleep outdoors alongside the flocks they protect.

Sarplaninac Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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