
Breed Group: Mixes and more

"That’s not slobber. That’s called kisses. And lots of ‘em."

Breed Profile

Shikoku are medium-sized dogs from Japan. They are independent hunters and have exceptional problem-solving skills. But perhaps the most unique thing about this hardworking breed is their love and devotion for their family. Shikoku have endless amounts of energy and kisses!


Shikoku will use their voice to alert you of the pizza man, but then expect belly rubs in return from you… and the delivery person. They are a friendly bunch and might even welcome new people with jumps and kisses. Needless to say, they are not guard dogs. A common Shikoku trait is holding your arm in their soft mouth or giving gentle nibbles when in need of attention. These dogs are affectionate, yet independent. They are not lazy dogs who will curl up with you on the couch, but they might be nearby playing with toys or solving their latest puzzle.


Shikoku are striking dogs of the spitz variety. Their beautiful double-coat sheds seasonally. Brushing every few days will take care of dead hairs and make the shedding season much more manageable. Their weatherproof coat requires only a few baths per year, as to not strip the naturally protective oils from their fur. But don’t worry. Shikoku don’t have the typical doggie odor and are pretty clean pets.


Shikoku are hardworking hunters with a weatherproof coat, but they prefer to live indoors with their family. However, these lively medium-sized dogs will make great use of a large backyard. Be sure to keep them fenced-in and on a leash at all times. Shikoku are chasers by nature and will take off in the event a squirrel catches their eye. Or, a cat, that is. Despite training, Shikoku seem to be relentless when it comes to bothering the family feline. Dogs are another story. Shikoku love to have dog buddies, but the first meeting of a new four-legged friend is hugely important. They are never aggressive, but are rather sensitive to the manners of other dogs. They will quickly decide whether or not they’d like to be playmates.


Shikoku have energy and lots of it! Be sure to carve out around two hours each day for exercising these dogs. Going on daily runs with their owner and then racing around their backyard until their heart’s content will do the trick.


Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability