Smooth Fox Terrier

Breed Group: Terrier

"I like to be kept on my toes!"

Breed Profile

Smooth Fox Terriers were used to push underground animals out of their holes and trap them. These energetic dogs have endurance, swiftness, and smarts. Training can take some patience, but these goofy small dogs are worth it. They will bring a dose of laughter to every family!


Smooth Fox Terriers have energy to spare. Inadequate exercise can make these dogs restless and anxious and can also bring out unwanted behavior, like digging. Unwanted, that is, unless they are helping you garden! These smart dogs could probably be trained to do just that – as they are known for performing a number of tricks.


Although the smooth variety of the Fox Terrier is not seen as often as their wiry relative, they’re actually easier to groom. Their sleek, short coat requires occasional brushing to rid it of dead hairs and reduce shedding. You’ll tend to see more fur around the house as the seasons change, but regular maintenance will help. No trips to a professional groomer needed for these terriers!


Smooth Fox Terriers are small and can live in many environments, as long as they get a couple hours of exercise in their day. If a small animal happens to catch the eye of these terriers, they will be off and running in the blink of an eye. For this reason, Smooth Fox Terriers require a secure space when playing outdoors. These cheery, playful dogs are a great match for families with children and are sure to keep up with the most active little ones out there!


A well-socialized Smooth Fox Terrier is sure to have fun at a dog park! They’ll enjoy the space to run freely and the various smells to investigate. Smooth Fox Terriers are also talented tricksters. In addition to hunting and tracking, they can be trained to perform silly tricks and compete in agility.

Smooth Fox Terrier Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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