Treeing Feist

Breed Group: Sporting

"There isn’t a tree that I wouldn’t try to climb!"

Breed Profile

Treeing Feists or Mountain Feist are skilled hunters of small game, like squirrel and raccoon. They will stealthily sneak up on their prey and chase them up the closest tree for their human hunting partner. A cross between hunting hounds and terriers, Treeing Feists have the best of both worlds when it comes to hunting ability. They also make excellent family watchdogs and loving pets!


There’s no need for a doorbell when you have a Treeing Feist at home, as they're an alert, friendly bunch! They’ll be the first to let you know someone’s on the front stoop. When compared to other hunters, Treeing Feists are generally on the quieter side. So if your pooch has become extra chatty, you may need to increase their activity level. Behaviors like barking, digging, and chewing all point to a bored dog. However, Treeing Feists care what their family thinks and always aim to please.


A Treeing Feist’s coat comes in a variety of colors. Combinations include black and white, solid black, red and white, and more. These dogs would rather be off chasing bushy-tailed critters, so it’s a good thing their short, smooth coat doesn’t require much time or effort. Occasional brushing and bathing will keep these active pooches looking happy and healthy.


Treeing Feists are useful as a farmhand, as there’s much they can chase, protect, and hunt, so they do best with lots of land. Though small, these dogs are very active and have a high-energy level. At a minimum, they should have access to a backyard. They are skilled tree jumpers and climbers, so be sure your outdoor space is super secure. Treeing Feists are family- and dog-friendly. They also enjoy the company of kids.


Treeing Feists are athletic and need more than a walk down the street in order to be content. When not hunting, they should be taken for a long run or to a dog park. Be sure to keep them on the leash or in a secure space should a squirrel demand their attention!

Treeing Feist Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability

Sorry, no Treeing Feist puppies are available at this time.