
Breed Group: Sporting

"I'm the Marathon Dog!"

Breed Profile

The Vizsla, pronounced VEESH-la, is a fountain of energy. They can be a challenge to own because they require so much exercise and attention, but they are extremely devoted and loving toward their owners. Choose a Vizsla if you’ve got plenty of time to spend with your new pup.


You may feel like you’ve grown a dog-shaped shadow as Vizslas are extremely devoted to their owners, but don’t worry, they’ll be off and running the second they get outside. They are hyper-energetic and will run around chasing whatever little animal, scent, or imaginary critter they can find. Vizslas are protective of their owners and will let you know if a strange animal or person is approaching. If they’re not getting enough attention, they are prone to digging and acting out. They are very sensitive, so be sure to use a soft touch when training or correcting bad behavior.


As trying and time-consuming a Vizsla can be, they give you a break when it comes to maintaining their coat. All you’ll need to do is brush their coat once or twice a week to remove dead hair. You can give them a bath a few times a year, or whenever they’ve played in a particularly attractive mud puddle.


First and foremost, Vizslas need to live indoors with their human family. They do not do well with being separated from their owners for long and especially struggle with living outside. They do, however, need a big space to play outside, so it’s important that a Vizsla has a large, safe area where they can run and play off-leash. If you’ve got cats, you may want to think twice about choosing a Vizsla. They can sometimes get along together, but the rambunctious Vizsla often sees them as something to hunt and can play a little rough. Vizslas usually really love children, but if you’ve got toddlers you should keep an eye on the two, especially with a young pup. There’s no danger, but Vizslas are so enthusiastic they sometimes topple over little kids when playing together.


Vizslas are kind of like the Tazmanian Devil but with a much sweeter disposition. They are highly active and will run all over the place chasing anything. They are natural born hunters and would love to accompany you into the field, but they’re also happy going for a long hike, walk, or a trip to the dog park.

Vizsla Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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