Welsh Terrier

Breed Group: Terrier

"It’s time for a chase!"


Breed Profile

Welsh Terriers have the typical terrier look and personality. They’re happy, lively pups who love to bark or chase anything that moves. With one of these dogs in your family, you’ll have an active companion that’s sure to provide endless entertainment.


Welsh Terriers are cheerful, easygoing, obedient, and brave. They bond closely with their families but may be more reserved around strangers. These dogs are very smart and love to bark and chase until they’re out of breath. They also make good watchdogs and consider it their job to keep their families safe.


Welsh Terriers have thick, hard, wiry hair that’s usually reddish-brown and black. They’re handsome dogs that don’t shed much, but they tend to be high maintenance when it comes to grooming. Welsh Terriers need regular brushing every week and full grooming every six to eight weeks. If you’re planning to show your Welsh, they will require even more maintenance, including hand stripping by a professional groomer.


Welsh Terriers are a family-friendly breed that gets along well with children. They’re especially good with older kids but may be overwhelming for babies and toddlers. Welsh Terriers can co-exist with cats and other pets if they’re socialized early, but they may try to dominate other dogs. At 20-25 pounds, these dogs are suitable for apartment life, but they’ll need plenty of exercise to get their energy out.


This breed is active and needs a lot of exercise. Welsh Terriers enjoy a few walks each day or an extended play session in the yard. They’re known to bark, dig, and chase animals when they get bored, so the more exercise you give them, the calmer and less destructive they’ll be.

Welsh Terrier Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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