West Highland White Terrier

Breed Group: Terrier

"I'm a tiny terrier tyrant!"


Breed Profile

With so much personality and confidence, it’s hard to believe that the West Highland White Terrier is so small. Westies need to be around people but prefer to have their humans all to themselves. Dogs and cats beware: these little white pups are no angels.


West Highland White Terriers are boisterous, playful, alert, and independent dogs. They’re extroverted but can be stubborn at times. They don’t usually pick fights, but they can be aggressive if provoked. Despite their size, Westies are confident canines that refuse to be intimidated. These dogs are also known to bark and dig a lot, so keep your pup busy to avoid too much noise or damage.


Westies have white double coats that may look angelic but are stiff to the touch. However, the tough texture repels dirt and keeps them pretty clean, so they don’t need to be bathed often. Westies don’t shed much, but their coats need to be brushed at least once a week, cut regularly, and hand-plucked twice a year.


West Highland White Terriers are great with children and enjoy being their playmates. However, they aren’t as friendly with other animals. Their small size doesn’t stop them from trying to dominate other dogs, and they’re also known to chase cats. Westies love being around people, so they need to live indoors and be with family. Without enough companionship or activity, they may act out or be destructive.


Westies are high energy dogs that need lots of playtime and exercise. They’re big diggers and loud barkers, but keeping them busy helps curtail their bad habits. Westies enjoy dog sports that stimulate their muscles and minds, like agility, earthdog training, and flyball. The more activities you give them, the happier and less destructive they’ll be.

West Highland White Terrier Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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