
Breed Group: Sporting

"I just wanna stay together forever!"

Breed Profile

Yorkipoos blend the Yorkshire Terrier’s spunkiness with the Poodle’s loving nature into one cute little companion. These dogs enjoy being part of the family and won’t leave your side unless they have to. They’ll make sure you feel safe and loved as long as you provide the same in return.


The Yorkipoo is energetic, happy, brave, and smart. With a loud yap and alert nature, they make great watchdogs and love keeping an eye on their owners. Yorkipoos want to be involved in every family activity, so expect them to be glued to your side and follow you wherever you go.


Yorkipoos can have a long, straight, silky coat like the Yorkshire Terrier; a fine, frizzy, wooly coat like the Poodle; or anything in between. They come in a wide variety of colors, such as brown, silver, grey, and white. Many are two-toned like Yorkshire Terriers, with a cream or chestnut body, legs, and mask, as well as grey or silver on the collar, top of the head, and ears. Yorkipoos usually don’t shed much, so with a little brushing each day, they should be good to go.


Yorkipoos love kids, strangers, dogs, and other pets, but they should be supervised around young children and bigger dogs to make sure they’re treated respectfully. Yorkipoos are the perfect size for apartment living. They should always be kept as indoor dogs so they can get enough attention and companionship.


The Yorkipoo is a pretty low-key dog that doesn’t need much exercise to stay fit and happy. They like playing inside, going on walks, and running around out in the yard. Yorkipoos may be small, but they can keep up if you want to go for a longer jog or hike.

Yorkipoo Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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