Akc Mr Personality. He is so lovable and playful. He is ready to head to his new home He has a gorgeous coat with a beautiful square body. He has had 2 sets of vaccinations. (Tail and dewclaws removed) He is following a traditional yorkies size between 5-8 pounds. His mom and dad are quite small, in the 4 pound range. I live in Portales NM. We are close to Clovis New Mexico. That is close to Amarillo Texas, Lubbock Texas, Albuquerque NM, or Roswell. I have delivered puppies as far as Albuquerque to Fort Worth Texas. I will help get your puppy to you or Even meet you half way or you are always welcome to pick your puppy up right here at home. I will send videos and more pictures if you are interested in this sweet boy. (I do not ship air cargo. It is dangerous for a puppy so small) Please call with any questions. I do like to visit with a potential puppy mom or dad. 575-777-7669
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