Tundra has a dark rich color to her she is a female minimal white red tri with gorgoues eyes that stand out and has a very thick show coat. She is a doll ! Very sweet ,gentle and is the mellowest out of her siblings. Tundra is estimated to be 30-35lbs as an adult. puppies are raised indoors until they are able to go home. They are introduced to different toys, noises , vaccinated dogs, adults, and children. All puppies go home with a 1 year health guarantee, health exam, vaccine, and dewormings from our veterinarian. Parents are both ASDR registered mama is a minimal white black tri with blue eyes and our puppies father is a red merle with blue eyes . Pups will have Limited registration they will be going to pet homes with a Spay/Neuter contract. Full registration is available to families at a higher cost. Families are welcome to schedule an appointment to meet our puppies in person. We also offer to meet families half ways. To meet one of our wiggle butts in person text (209)277-7093
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