BJ and Cubbie’s litter was born on November 10th, there are four male and three female puppies. Koni, Osco, Bowser, Lady, and Priscilla have all already been sold. We still have Atlas and Sky available and ready for new homes. Pictures of the available puppies will be updated every 2 weeks. Puppies will be AKC registrable and cost $750 for Pet Price and $1000 for Breeding Rights. The deposit amount is $250, which will be deducted from the total purchase price. BJ is a large built American Black and Tan, stock-coated, AKC-registered, Missouri-bred, working-line Shepherd. He stands 30 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs 115 pounds. Cubbie is an AKC-registered Black and Red longcoat shepherd from West German show line parents. She stands 25 inches tall at the shoulder and weighs 78 pounds. If you would like to make your deposit or have any other questions, contact Gunnar at (812) 764-4866.
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