Meet Zebedee! I call him Zebbie and Zeb for short. Zeb is 11 months old, CKC registered, up to date on vaccines, vet checked and healthy. He is also microchipped. Zeb is house trained, crate trained and knows lots of basic commands. He weighs about 23lbs. He has a beautiful liver colored coat and beautiful yellow, golden eyes. He is good with other dogs, cats and children. I would love for him to go to a home with other dogs his size. He will come with all his records and everything he needs to get started in his new home including a few months of heartgard which he is up to date on. He is not neutered. Serious inquiries only. Text for faster response. (I'm not sure why my photos uploaded sideways??) Some things I will send him with… Heartgard Collars Lashes Harness Food Training collar Crate Bed Car seat Toys Food and water bowls Sweaters and shirts I’m sure there’s other things as well
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