L'll Miss Sunshine has now been placed; however, we are taking back-ups. She is a small very pretty black and white female. She has a large heart design on her back. She will be available for her new re-home if doesn't work out for therapy in her current home. We have 3 new females born on Dec. 22nd and available in February. They are Sweetness, Juliet, and Valentina and 2 males Cupid and Rocky. Li'll Miss Sunshine had her dew claws professionally removed and the vet checked her over thoroughly and pronounced her healthy. She will be utd on all vet care. She weighed 2.7 lbs. on Oct. 22, 2024. We have another litter that will be available in November. All pups will be heavily socialized prior to letting them go and most go for therapy work or very good family homes and we begin the potty training process the day they are born. We finance for up to a year at 0% for homeowners in Colorado or southern Wyoming. We deliver FREE to your home in a wide area. We only breed papillons. Most puppy mills breed more than one breed of dog and sell their dogs cheap under 2,000. We lose money on our pups as most go for therapy work and we don't do it for the money. It is cruel to ship dogs and pups in cargo but it is possible to fly with them at your seat on some airlines. We are a hobbyist breeder and don't make a profit on our pups and our pups have been known to save lives and are being used for children with epilepsy, vets with PTSD, stroke victims, etc. We are very reputable and can furnish references. We use only the services of the most qualified and licensed veterinarians. We charge a little more for females only 545 down to hold one. This beautiful female will probably be under 8 lbs when full grown and is just too cute, cuddly, and already playful. She is also a feisty little girl but loves to snuggle. BEWARE OF BUYING PUPS FROM COLORADO as Colorado has strict laws against breeding and the breeders if not licensed could be in HUGE trouble and those buying from them might lose their deposit and/or their puppy. We don't have to worry about the laws in Colorado. We have been tutored in veterinary care and our veterinary clinic will thoroughly check our pups for joint problems and heart murmurs and the pups will be pronounced free of any such conditions and in excellent health before we let them go to their new home. We also house our pups with plenty of room to run and play and only kennel them when traveling. It is very important to look for a purebred as anything else is most likely coming from a puppy mill. Exercise is very important for the pups and all our pups get plenty of exercise. Call for price and selection after 3:00 pm 307-316-0844 phone # doesn't receive texts. for texting try 303-987-3234 but please call 307-316-0844 instead.
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