Miss Lela and Mr River had a beautiful litter of puppies. She had 8 blues, blue harlequins and 1 silver merle. Miss August is available for adoption. She is a very large blue female. She has a tiny bit of white in her chest like her daddy. Momma is 140 pounds and poppa is 160 pounds and will top put over 200 pounds All puppies come with a contract, 1 yr health guarantee, age appropriate deworming and shots a vet exam and our educational program. We teach all of our families how to completely prevent bloat, and teach many other topics in diet and health. All of our puppies are extremely intelligent and have a very good start at potty training. Please go to our Facebook page Great Danes of Hickory Hollow to watch them being born and then each day since they've been born. You can see their entire life and development not to mention get to know their momma. Melissa 407-520-0292 Facebook page Great Danes of Hickory Hollow please send a PM for all the details.
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