Champ is a Poochon boy. Dad Mini Poodle and mom Bichon. He is an awesome boy. Vet exam and He is Neutered utd on shots and dewormings including rabies vaccine male and looking for perfect pet home. He is a little chunky monkey. He is 18 lbs. so looking about this full size now . He is mostly white w a tiny bit of red. He is a very sweet boy. Playful but also loves to cuddle and lay next to you while you watch tv. Etc. Started on potty training He uses doggie door. No shippers transporters or flight Nannie’s. Our pups are pickup in person. No checks! Deposits holding fee is nonrefundable. And balance is Cash at time of pickup here We do meet folks flying into get their pups at nearest airport to us Memphis International for a small trip fee.
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