Meet Mr. Rusty , 1 he is a F1B , extremely low to no shed. We groom our mom Cavapoos 4 times a year. Rusty will not be very big he is almost a puond lighter than his siblings and has been vet checked, no issues to be found just a small guy. Pups are dewormed every 2 wks and they will have had a few vaccinations before they come to you. "IF" pups go out of the state of Missouri, they will have to have a deposit and only after the deposit do i call my vet to get a appointment. Deposit covers that you are getting that pup and it's good for 10 days after the vet visit. Regardless its non refundable. Please call for best reply time. My contact will be at the end of our ad. Eight1six 695, 1977
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