Adorable tiny male Yorkie. He was born 9/22/24. He is very healthy, and small. He is a very sweet and loving puppy. He is so smart he follows right behind you and sits at your feet. Yorkie puppies are very smart, affectionate, playful, and loving. They have an awseome personality, friendly, and very sweet. They love to please! Contact me for more information. I raise some of the cutest, healthiest puppies on Godβs green Earth! ππ My puppies are well socialized, raised in the home, very friendly, playful, and super cute! House / crate training started. Puppies come with: β Current vaccinations β Deworming β Microchipped β Health records β Pet insurance β Registration papers β 2 year health warranty β Free vet visit β Bath, nails clipped, ear mite treatment β Home/Hand reared β Socialized β House training started β 24/7 Client support β Puppy starter kit (Toys, Treat, Food, pamphlets, coupons) Contact me for deposits, puppy availability, and more information βοΈπ 470.446.9066 β€οΈπΆβ€οΈπΆβ€οΈ We appreciate your business! For an additional fee your puppy can be hand delivered or shipped to your nearest major airport, which includes: * Travel Crate * Health Certificate * Airline Ticket ** Ask us how you can purchase a Puppy Gift Basket which will include everything you need to set-up your new puppy comfortably in your home. **
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