Chiffon is AKC and ICCF Registered --- Chiffon is a fawn female with a black mask . She is a very affectionate and outgoing puppy and is always ready for snuggles from all she meets. She has been socialized in a house environment and is getting used to all kinds of day to day noises. She comes with tail docking and dew claws done. Wormed at 2,4,6 and will be at 8 weeks. Puppy will have 6 week well puppy check with our vet and 1st series of puppy shots. She will go home with a puppy packet (toy; leash; brochure; food; blanket etc.....). Questions, please feel free to reach out at 254-243-9090, and we can answer any additional questions. Shipping can be discussed on a case by case basis. Prefer to have pups picked up at facility or local delivery.
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