This guy is Conley, he is an AKC registered dark red Toy Poodle male. He would love to be a part of your family! He was born out of a litter of three. Conley is the smaller male out of the two. His weight will be approx. 6-9 pounds at maturity. He was born on December 14th, 2023 and he is ready to go to his new family now! He loves being held and loves children. Conley has a spunky little personality, and also loves cuddles too! He comes with AKC registration, vet checked, current vaccinations, and a one year health guarantee. Also, when you purchase him you will get a small bag of Science Diet puppy food and a toy to help him settle in to his brand new home! He is priced at $1,900.00. We will hold him with a $500.00 deposit. Pick up is preferred. If you would like to make an appointment to see him please give us a call or text! Shipping is available please call or text for quote approximately $800.00- $1,300.00 depending on your location our cell is- 816-259-9020 Please visit our website for more info 15 years experience
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