Clover was born 08/23/2020 and is a proven beautiful large 70lb AKC registered blue merle sire. He has fathered 6 litters between three Dams. We are currently retiring our breeding program as we've moved into a different phase of our life. He has been the papa of our high-quality breeding program. He still has a lot of life left in him and would make a great addition to someone else's Aussie program or even as a pet. He is fairly mellow indoors and does posess the Aussie "off switch" but we've always crated him when we are away. He has had genetic testing done through Embark with a clear panel of health. He has also had his eyes checked and cleared through OFA as normal. He has also had his hips and elbows done through OFA with good and normal results respectively. We are looking to rehome to a responsible breeder who does all the proper genetic and OFA testing in their breeding program.
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