We have a stunning litter of F1 HavaPoo puppies! Flora is a petite white female born 9/9/23. Sire “Bean” is an AKC registered Chocolate Male who weighs in at 8 lbs. Dam "Frenchie" is a CKC registered White Toy Poodle Female who weighs in at 8 lbs. - parents live on site with us. Sire has been DNA tested through Embark and also has OFA for Heart and Patellas. All pups will come up to date on vaccinations/wormings, vet inspected, health guaranteed, registration paperwork, and our custom puppy starter booklet. We expect all families to have researched this breed prior to inquiring. Our pups are sold as PETS ONLY - We do not offer breeding rights, papers will be put in your name upon proof of spay/neuter. Shipping (ground or air via flight nanny) is available for an additional fee in the event you are unable to come visit and pick up your puppy in person. We are Georgia State Licensed through the Department of Agriculture and inspected annually by then and the American Kennel Club. For more information please visit our website www.toysofharmony.com or call/text us at (912) 590-2072
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