“Couture . is an Irish Marked Blue Merle Female born 10/25. She has the most outgoing personality. mother is a 4 lb Blue. Bred to our 3 lb Blue Merle Photos of parents are posted on this add. There are 2 pups in the litter Pups are being placed as pets $2200. pups have their dews removed and their first wellness check within 24 hrs of being born All pups will come vet checked at 8 wks of age. have age appropriate vaccines and dewormed. We do also offer another free vet exam for new owners to speak to a vet themselves and ask any questions. All pups go home with a stater kit to get them off on the right track. Pups are well socialized with kids and other pets. Grooming is started early along with potty training so they get accustomed to it and it is hassle free for new owner to continue. We encourage home visits. We are located in Phoenix Arizona. A deposit can reserve the pup you choose If out of state live video calls can be made. We encourage owners to drive or fly to pick up their new pup. However a flight nanny can also deliver ur pup to your closest major airport for an additional fee. U can take a look at our website to see most of our breeder males & females www.preciouspomsnpersians.com Text us at 6O2 699-9six84. To set up a appointment to see them
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