These puppies were born on Saturday September 21, 2024 and will be available in 8 weeks on Nov 16th. Woodford has 4 full sisters from the moms last litter repeated with the same sire. Black and White and had wonderful personalities. 1 female went on to a Competition home and the other 2 went to repeat buyer homes. This time Woodward was the last puppy out of the uterus and he was a good size at 5 ounces. White body and double black and white mask on his face. Tail and dews have been removed at 4 days of age. Woodford can be registered and ATT is NBD for SCA, clear for PLL and is awaiting DM results. This will not be of concern if he is not used for breeding. Woodford really wants to have people friends and the whole litter has been exposed to the occasional kid and multiple handlers. He will be vaccinated at 8 weeks old and be microchipped as well. He will be ready to go to a new home on Nov 17th. A deposit of $350 will hold him and will be part of the total cost. Please PM me
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