We have the cutest Labradoodles and Aussiedoodles available. The Labradoodle Litter will be ready for new homes around May 12th. Mom is Remi, our very intelligent and loving 45lb Labradoodle and Dad is Jagger, our very smart and funny 23lb Mini Poodle. Three babies are charting to be 25lbs full grown. Two babies are charting to be 40-45lbs like mom. The rest of the litter is charting to be right at 30lbs full grown. We are asking $900. These puppies are beautiful and we have ivory colors, apricots, lighter reds and darker reds. The Aussiedoodle Litter will be ready for new homes around May 27th. Mom is our Aussiedoodle, Joker - probably the smartest dog I’ve ever known and she weighs 35lbs. Dad is also the same dad to the Labradoodle babies. He is our 23lb Mini Poodle, Jagger. He has been genetically tested and cleared at 100%. The Aussiedoodle babies are $1000 for solid colors and $1100 for phantom markings. The phantoms are a dark brown and a light brown with phantom markings. We also have solid cream and solid apricot/light red. We have one solid chocolate in color. They are gorgeous. They are expected to weigh 25lbs full grown. I don’t require deposits and I also offer Puppy Payment Plans - $700 at puppy pick up day when you pick a Labradoodle puppy up to go home and $800 at puppy pick up when you pick a mini Aussiedoodle puppy up to take home - and the rest of the balance can be paid over a 3 month period if you choose the payment plan option. If you choose a Puppy Promise Payment Plan the payments can be made through check in the mail, Venmo, FB Pay, PayPal or CashApp. All puppies are non shedding, hypoallergenic and beautiful. Their parents are our pets. If you are interested in any of the puppies I can send pictures, videos and more info. I can also send you pictures of previous litters from the same mom and same dad so you will have an idea of what your baby will look like. Puppies come with a physical, routine dewormings and 1st vaccines from our vet. They come to you with a puppy starter pack and I send lots of information before you get your puppy and I am also here for any advice or suggestions for a lifetime after you take your puppy home. I have lots of references from families who have puppies from Sims Lakeside if you need them. Based on families who have our puppies and the moms and dads to our puppies - they are easy to train and highly intelligent. They have very loving and loyal dispositions. These puppies are already 100% doggie door trained. Puppies come to you with a one year genetic health guarantee. All puppies are raised right in our home and handled daily and well socialized - we have 5 children and 3 grandchildren. They are well loved ❤️ We live in Danville KY - just 30 miles south of Lexington and I can meet within a reasonable distance on the day of puppy pick up. My number is 606-669-0063 if it is easier to call or text.
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