Whitman is the runt of his litter of 6. He is 2 days shy of 15 weeks old and weighs 42 oz so he is charting to be 4.5 lbs at maturity. He is very cuddly and craves affection . Happiest in your arms giving kisses. He is a handsome chocolate sable so he will be a very striking Pomeranian with loads of coat.Please call/text Annie on my cell 518-569-6675 for more info. He has been for his vet exam and his first puppy shot and we will be giving him his next shot in 2 weeks. We live in upstate NY in the tippy NE corner near the Canadian border and Vt is just a bridge away in the village of Rouses Point NY about 6 miles from our home. Burlington Vt is 1hr 15 min from us and Albany is just a little over 3 hrs and Montreal is 50 min North of us. He will be able to be registered with AKC.
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