Sophie is a beautiful Black & Silver miniature schnauzer. She was born December 8th and will be ready for her forever home February 2nd at 8 weeks old. Her mother is a beautiful Snow White mega-coat with sparkling blue eyes. Her father is a stunning black & white party, weighing in at a whopping 7-8 pounds. Her parents are both mega coats, are DNA health tested for breed purity and genetic quality, and found to be clear of all testable issues by Embark. Your puppy will come with a Vet letter of health, a starter bag of food, treats, 2 toys, a blanket with mothers/litter mates scent, a folder containing all health records, contract and 1st soft carrier that they’ve been trained to sleep in. Your puppy will have their tail docked and dew claws removed. They will also come fully puppy groomed. A Vet health exam will be done before they leave to go to their forever home. Your puppy will also have its UTD age appropriate vaccinations and a clean fecal test. All of our puppies are raised in our home where they are pre-spoiled, held, cuddled, & loved daily. They are well socialized and used to being cuddled and loved. We start beginner potty training with all our puppies and each one comes to you trained to sleep in their carrier at night. We are very small breeders and that allows us to give attention all our dogs daily. They live with us in our home and are truly our family members and our babies. If you choose a puppy we do require a good faith holding fee deposit. If you do place a deposit the full amount, will go towards the adoption of your puppy. These deposits are non refundable but can be applied towards the purchase of another puppy. Should you have more questions please let me know. Please feel free to contact me at 601-218-5223. Please send a text and let me know who you are and the phone number you will be calling from. I try to answer calls as they come in, but if I miss your call, I will certainly call you back if you leave a message. Thank you so much for considering my puppy! Schnauzers are hypoallergenic. They do not shed any more than we as humans would shed our own hair * We also offer transportation to your nearest international airport for an additional fee.