This is Hunter he is an AKC registered red Toy Poodle male. He is so cute, loves giving his mama kisses after his feedings. He should weigh approximately 6-9 pounds at maturity. His mother is cream and his father is red. Hunter was born on August 11th, 2024. He is ready to go to his new home now. He is priced at $1,200.00 He comes with Full AKC registration, vet checked, current vaccinations, a one year health guarantee, a small bag of Science diet Puppy food, and a toy. Please call or text for an anointment for a play date to meet this little guy! Pick up is preferred but Shipping is available for an additional fee please call for quote. We will hold him with a $500.00 deposit. Please call or text for appointment 816-259-9020 15 years experience
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