This is a stunning Sable Parti male Yorkie. His momma is our kb black Yorkie, Jade, and his daddy is our tiny 3lb chocolate parti male, Prince. He is just a laid back sweetheart. His coat is beautiful, and his estimated adult weight is 6 pounds. This little man will come with his AKC puppy registration paperwork. He has his vet check up on 1/17, will have his 1st set of shots, has been dewormed every 2 weeks since he was 2 weeks old, has had his tail docked and dew claws removed, and will be microchipped. He will have a couple tiny face, feet, and fanny grooms. He has been introduced to a litter box and is doing well. He sleeps through the night without a peep! He will come with a go home bag packed full of all you will need to get him started in your home! He will be ready to go the weekend of January 25th! Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. We are happy to meet you near our home, or we provide personal nanny service to you so our pups travel with the least amount of stress as possible!
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