Trinity is a beautiful Mini Multigen Australian Mountain Doodle. She’s a wonderful mix of Aussiedoodle and Bernedoodle. Her momma is a beautiful Black Tri Bernedoodle that weighs about 43 lb. And her daddy is an Aussiedoodle that weighs 16 lbs. We estimate Trinity to be 12-15 lbs as an adult. Trinity’s parents have been DNA Health Tested so we know that Trinity is very healthy. She has a wonderful temperament. We do Early Neurological Stimulation and Sound Desensitization on all of our puppies. Trinity will come up to date on all vet protocol, with a microchip and with a two year health guarantee. We also have a system that trains our puppies to potty outside of their living quarters which really helps in their house training process when they leave here. Please call or text us @ 606-209-2243. Please do not email us since we don’t always receive our emails. We have a ground transport company that we can recommend and also a flight nanny. You can check out our website to learn more about us and see all of our wonderful testimonials @ and Thanks for your interest in Trinity.
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