Griffin is a micro mini, AKA mini petite,Goldendoodle. Average adult puppy from his mommy and daddy has averaged between 12 and 15 lb. Griffin is receiving good socialization and lots of love so that he will be a balanced doggy socially. He is being introduced to many different stimulants through sight and sound. He is being raised around children and other dogs. Griffin will be litter trained to help facilitate outdoor potty training. He also will be introduced to the crate prior to placement. Aleta is 100% genetically clear and not at risk for any genetic health problems. Mama is an f2b micro mini Goldendoodle and her daddy is an AKC miniature Poodle from champion lines. Pups to come with proof of parentage and DNA papers. Griffin and his litter mates are kept up to date on puppy shots, vet checks and dewormings. We are more than happy to do virtual visits with our pups, to make sure that pups are a good fit for future families. We are also able to do in person visits, after puppies have some vaccinations on board. Please contact us about options for transportation, if unable to pick up puppy in person.
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