Noelle is a party mixed F1bb goldendoodle. Her father is a party mixed standard poodle that weighs 45 lbs. and her mother is a phantom F1b goldendoodle that weighs 65 pounds. We expect Noelle to be between 50-60 pounds. Noelle is also hypoallergenic and well experienced with children. We go above and beyond to ensure your puppy is set up for success: ✨ Early Neurological Training – Promotes resilience and confidence. ✨ Scent Introduction – Supports adaptability to new environments. ✨ Sound Stimulation and Socialization – Prepares him for life in a bustling home. To secure the puppy of your choice we do ask for a $500 deposit which goes toward the total and comes with a contract. Feel free to make a FaceTime visit. My cell number is 336-984-7061. 😊
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