He is available for stud 350 or sale 800. He can breed female twice as big as him. He is golden with accents, but has turned a bit gray due to his yorjue blood. You can put in for one of his pups. His father was a 6-7lb mostly black w/white marks yorkiepoo. He makes small / tc puppies yorkie poodle. All shots & dewormed. He has a sweet loving personality wants to be held and pampered! He has tea cup pups in each litter; usually smaller than him. Yorkipoo yorkiepoo mix pups these will have full fluffy maybe curvy hair. Last 5 pics are some of his pups; he makes mostly tea cup pups. The pups should be around 4-6lbs when grown. Yorkipoo mix So cute! Let me know what you seek. Local pick up in Sacramento, Ca. or delivery for a fee may be arranged for an additional fee within 300 miles.
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