Barty (black collar) is a male GoldenDoodle. His mom, Annie, is a standard size F1BB GoldenDoodle (57lbs) and his father, Griffin, is an unregistered Golden Retriever (80lbs). Both parents are family pets in our home on our hobby farm. With an F1BB GoldenDoodle mother & full Golden Retriever father - we guesstimate this litter to be 56% Golden Retriever & 44% Poodle. As a pup in our home, Barty is being raised with kids (4 young, loud, and wild boys specifically), other dogs, cats, and used to lots of new faces popping into the house to visit. We brush and clip nails to make that a “norm” he’s comfortable with as he gets older. He is vet checked, has had his first round of puppy shots, and been dewormed. We have also started crate training!
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