We have 5 males and 5 females available! They were born December 1 and ready to go home at 8 weeks old. They will be eating hard food and we work with them on puppy pad training. They will be AKC Registered, come with the AKC Parent Pedigree, a vet certificate of health, will be up to date on all vaccinations and dewormed. All tails are docked and dew claws removed. Each puppy will all come with its own puppy starter kit. Total adoption price starts at $1000 for Limited Registration, $1500 for Breeding Rights. We reserve the puppy of your choice with a $250 non refundable deposit, balance due expected at pick up. I highly encourage in person visits or video calls. Momma is a big German and Eastern European girl with championship bloodlines. She was a healthy 121 lbs pre-pregnancy. Daddy is German and about 135 lbs. They are family pets and the pups are being socialized in our home. Make sure to do research on this breed, and how it might fit your lifestyle.
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