Bonita is a extremely smart and very very loving Pup. She needs lots of love and wants to be loved. She's 1 year 5 months and has all her shots. She has been spayed. She will require a large yard to run. She loves to hunt for mice, rats, squirrels. Is kennel trained, she knows when she has to go down to sleep and runs into her kennel when it's time to go in. She has been reactive with her female sibling. She is good with children and adults. We usually have events and he is great with people visiting the house, she loves people and loves to be petted and given love... She is very playful. She would be great as home/family guardian or a running buddy. Please contact me so we can set up a time for you to meet her. (760)508-4975 I do not do out of state adoptions, so please do not contact me if you are outside of California.
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