Harken is one of 5 puppies born in this litter. His tail has been left natural but dewclaws have been removed. He comes with limited AKC registration. Full registration is available upon request. Pictures updated on 1-18-2025. He will be up to date on all vaccinations and wormings at the time you take his home. He has been well socialized with and already started on housetraining. All our puppies are familiar with using a doggie door by the time they leave here. A non refundable deposit of $500 down, will hold him until he is ready to leave here on Dec 14. Remaining amount is due before transport or at time of pickup. Transportation is $450-550.00 if needed, and that is to your door delivery. We have been raising Schipperkes' for 20 years. Our dogs are health tested and parents are MPSIIIB clear. Please visit my website to see parents photos. DhcKennels.com Please contact me for more information. Call/text 417-531-0530. Look forward to hearing from you! Thanks!
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