This is Comet! He is so sweet and has the cutest personality. He is wonderful with children and other animals. Maltipoos are a playful breed and are hypoallergenic and non-shedding. His mom is a 7lb Toy Maltipoo and his dad is a 4lb Toy Poodle. Comet is expected to weigh 7-8 lbs when fully grown. He has had his physical and first round of shots at our vet. He is currently 12 weeks old and doing well with house training. He is puppy pad trained and 100% doggie door trained. He is ready for his new home now. He comes with a one year genetic health guarantee, vet records, a blanket and favorite toys that smell like mom and littermates, and a bag full of goodies and treats. For a quick response please contact me at 606-669-0063. We can FaceTime or I can send you videos of Comet. He also has a brother. I don’t require deposits. You just pay for puppy at pick up time but I do offer payment plans.
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