AKC registered male pomeranian born December 1st, ready for a new home Jan 26th. He will be microchipped, up to date on vaccinations, current on dewormings, and come with his AKC registration. He has been raised in a spoiled pet home setting, never a mill. We keep him crate trained at night for his safety. He has been around small dogs, a large dog, and cats. This litter is by far the easiest, most mellow litter I've had. This male is so relaxed, mellow, friendly, and loves to eat. He's a big eater for sure, highly food motivated, and very intelligent which will make him easy to train. I am located near West plains Missouri. But offer free delivery (local meetup or doorstep delivery) to Mississippi, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri and Oklahoma Or you are welcome in my home to meet the parents and pickup up the puppy. No deposit required Cash or Zelle transaction when puppy is in hands. Let me know if you have any questions or are interested! Thank you! Danielle 202-999-9506 Call or text (preferred) Dad is CHUNKY 10.5lbs Mom is 5.5lbs.
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